2024 Reunion photos and videos

We are posting reunion photos and videos in a shared Google Photos album! (These photos are not searchable on Google.)

See what we’ve got so far:

View Reunion 2024 photos and videos

If you have a Google account, you should be able to add photos and videos to the album as well!

2024 Reunion HQ slideshow

Did you have a chance to see the slideshow at our HQ in Lamont? There are many photos of Smith ’74 classmates then and now.

The link below takes you to a Google Drive file where you can then open the slideshow using Google Slides. Click “Slideshow” in the upper right to start the slideshow, then click each photo to advance.

View HQ slideshow

Thanks to Molly Goodwin and Tina Ryman for putting this together.

2024 Celebrating Black Presence

Sandra Turner Bond prepared a special presentation showcasing our classmates in the largest class of African-American students in the history of Smith College.

The link below takes you to a Google Drive file where you can then open the slideshow using Google Slides. Click “Slideshow” in the upper right to start the slideshow, then click each photo to advance.

View Celebrating Black Presence – a Smithie’s Photographic Memoir

2019 Reunion Photos

You can also see photos from our 45th reunion in 2019!

View 2019 Reunion photos