We hope everyone will attend our milestone 50th reunion May 16-19, 2024!

Our theme, Women of Change, reflects the times we lived in while at Smith and the different paths we’ve all traveled since then.  We learned so much from each other fifty years ago and have even more to share five decades later!

Whether you’ve never been to a reunion or have attended every one, we hope you will come to reconnect with old friends, make new ones, revisit old haunts, and explore what’s new on campus.

Registration is online only.  If you didn’t see the registration invitation Smith emailed in early February, check your inbox and/or junk folder.  You can also register via the reunion page on Smith’s website (https://www.smith.edu/alums/reunion) or by contacting the Office of Alumnae Relations and Development at 800-526-2023 (option 9) or 413-585-2150, or reunionregistration@smith.edu. To change your registration in any way, use these same numbers or email address.

PLEASE NOTE: Financial assistance to offset reunion costs is available on a first-come/first-served basis.  It does not cover travel expenses.  Applications for assistance should be done prior to registering.  Contact Class Treasurer Inez D’Arcangelo (inez@navgroup.com) with your request.  All requests are confidential, and Alumnae Relations and Development will contact you with an updated registration link when the process is complete.

Check this website regularly for reunion updates.  Any questions – feel free to contact us!


Chris Albright (Belmont, MA) – albfog@aol.com; (917) 348-2135
Anne Wing Hamilton (Milwaukee, WI) – annewing.hamilton2@gmail.com; (414) 704-0890
Cindy Britten Martin (Mystic, CT) – cynthiabmartin@gmail.com; (908) 578-4329


House Connectors are busy encouraging ’74 housemates to come to our 50th reunion. As of fall 2023 all houses have house connectors as listed below.  Contact them for information, enthusiasm, and how to connect with other housemates.

150 Elm – Linda Gray: linda.b.gray@gmail.com
Albright – Beatrice Peck: beapeck@hotmail.com
Baldwin – Christy Jones Bittenbender: cjbitt26@gmail.com
Capen – Sarah Meredith Boucher: boucher.sarah@comcast.net
and Sally Collins Honenberger: editmore2@hotmail.com
and Elisa Masell: elisa_maselli@mac.com
Chapin – Mary Kilbourn: mary.kilbourn@gmail.com
and Marsha Shaines: marsha.shaines@gmail.com
Chase – Cynthia Roney: roney.cynthia@gmail.com
and Susan Grimes Sweetland: metroshg@aol.com
Clark – Barbara Bockhaus Klaas: baklaas@gmail.com
Comstock – Barbara Bockhaus Klaas: baklaas@gmail.com
Cushing – Martha McKee: martha.mckee29@gmail.com
Cutter – Roberta Klein: klein.roberta@gmail.com
Dawes – Stephanie Sampson: sampsonstephanie5@gmail.com
Dewey – Mary-Lou Kiley: kiley410@yahoo.com
Drew – Lisa Griffith Lake: legl1221@bellsouth.net
Duckett – Sandy Small Henderson: sshenderson0@gmail.com
Emerson – Maureen Kelley DelVecchio: maureen.delvecchio@gmail.com
Gardiner – Adriane Isenberg: aisenberg@isenberglaw.com
Gillett – Stephanie Stahr: stahr.stephanie@gmail.com
Haven – Diane Kelly Welch: dianekwelch8@gmail.com

Hopkins (All) – Jennifer Arbolino: jparbolino@aol.com
Hubbard – Sara Lane: sallyxlane@gmail.com
Jordan – Betty Morningstar: bettymorningstar@gmail.com
King – Mary Kilbourn: mary.kilbourn@gmail.com
Lamont – Barbara Bockhaus Klaas: baklaas@gmail.com
Lawrence – Rose Tamura: rmtami52@earthlink.net
Morris – Jane Spinak: spinak@law.columbia.edu
Morrow – Roz Twine Wilson: rozwilson887@gmail.com
Northrop – Linda Gray: linda.b.gray@gmail.com
and Lizanne Payne: eap0323@yahoo.com
Off-Campus – Jan Loftsgaarden Johnson: janjohnson745@gmail.com
Park – Mathilde Silverstein: teils@mindspring.com
Parsons – Bonnie Lederman: bonnie.lederman@yahoo.com
Scales – Martha Redeker: mlredeker@gmail.com
Sessions – Ruth Eliel: ruth.eliel@gmail.com
Talbot – Molly Goodwin: goodmol@hotmail.com
Tenney – Karen Freisem: kfreisem@earthlink.net
Tyler – Lizanne Payne: eap0323@yahoo.com
Washburn – Patricia Jones Lang: patlang@aol.com
and Ellen Sandhaus: davellen1158@aol.com
Wilder – Barbara Bockhaus Klaas: baklaas@gmail.com
Wilson – Gail Chorney: gail.chorney@nyulangone.org and
Jane Herrman Horwitz: janeh@sas.upenn.edu
Ziskind – Amy Yergin Day: alyday70@aol.com