REUNION BOOK: Order by May 31!

Our 50th Reunion class book is now available!

If you would like a perfect bound, full color printed copy of the book, please order through the link below. Smith College has provided a generous subsidy to underwrite the production of this book, so we are only asking for $10 to cover the shipping and handling charges. Please take immediate action as this offer is available only until May 31, 2024.

Order printed 50th Reunion Book

You may also view the digital book here:

View 50th Reunion Book

Enter our password: Smith_C74

Many thanks to our intrepid book team – Bobbi Keiler, Cathy Haukedahl, Terry Taylor, Kathy Piro, Mary-Lou Kiley! Thank you to all who made submissions.


We have many photos to share!

1) We are posting reunion photos and videos in a shared Google Photos album! (These photos are not searchable on Google.)

See what we’ve got so far:

View Reunion 2024 photos

If you have a Google account, you should be able to add photos and videos to the album as well!

2) Did you have a chance to see the slideshow at our HQ in Lamont? There are many photos of Smith ’74 classmates then and now.

The link below takes you to a Google Drive file where you can then open the slideshow using Google Slides. Click “Slideshow” in the upper right to start the slideshow, then click each photo to advance.

View HQ slideshow

Thanks to Molly Goodwin and Tina Ryman for putting this together.

3) Sandra Turner Bond prepared a special presentation showcasing our classmates in the largest class of African-American students in the history of Smith College.

The link below takes you to a Google Drive file where you can then open the slideshow using Google Slides. Click “Slideshow” in the upper right to start the slideshow, then click each photo to advance.

View Celebrating Black Presence – a Smithie’s Photographic Memoir


Ivy Day was held indoors at the Indoor Track and Tennis Complex (supposed to rain all weekend). Under a new policy, NO BAGS OR PURSES are allowed at Ivy Day (not even our tote bags). The college will provide a bag check station at the ITT but it will be helpful if you have pockets for your phone, tissues, extra glasses, etc so you don’t need to check a bag. The policy says that “Individuals who have a medical need to carry a bag may be permitted entry upon bag search.” See more details in the policy linked above.


  • Our HQ is Lamont House! It is close to the center of campus and has spacious common rooms and a piano.
  • We will be housed in Lamont and next door in Gillett and Northrop. You will learn your house and room assignment at check-in.
  • All three houses have elevators to accommodate our aging bodies!
  • Because Lamont is an “allergy restricted” residence, our meals will be held across the street in Cutter/Ziskind.


Planes, trains, and automobiles: The following link to Smith’s reunion website provides information regarding air, train, and bus information to Northampton including car service from Bradley International to Smith, and where to park at Smith.

Ride Board: Remember the Ride Board in the basement of Seelye? We have the 21st century equivalent (sort of) for our 50th reunion. We encourage people to share rides to reunion from your metro area, from Bradley International etc.  It minimizes our environmental footprint, builds community, and is fun! See more information about the Reunion Ride Board.

Housing and meals: The following link to Smith’s reunion website provides information regarding what Smith provides for on-campus housing and meals. For our class, all of our breakfasts and most dinners are at Cutter/Ziskind. Other plans are: Thursday dinner = Chapin Lawn (unless they change to indoors), Friday lunch = Cutter/Ziskind, Saturday lunch = Chapin Lawn (unless they change it).

What to bring: We have also prepared a list of suggestions to make your on-campus housing experience more comfortable, here: What Should I Bring

Accommodations: We want everyone to come to reunion. If you need mobility assistance or other kinds of accommodations, you must note it on your reunion registration form.  If you need to amend your registration form, email