Welcome to the official website of the Smith College Class of 1974. The Class of ’74 is independent of, but affiliated with, the Alumnae Association of Smith College.

Announcing our new class officers!

These classmates have been elected to serve as our class officers up through our 55th reunion in 2029:

  • Co-Presidents: Lynne Brown and Cynthia (Cindy) Britten Martin
  • Reunion Chairs: open — we need you!
  • Co-Secretaries: Anne (Wing) Hamilton and Marsha Shaines
  • Co-Treasurers/Fund Agents: Linda Morris Brown and Lisa Farrell Estes
  • Planned Giving Chair: Sandra (Sandy) Small Henderson
  • Memorial Co-Chairs: Sandra Turner Bond and Sarah (Sally) Collins Honenberger
  • Web/Social Media: Lizanne Payne

Please thank these volunteers for their commitment to our class!

Upcoming virtual event: Real Clothes, Real Lives

Announcing a special Zoom presentation just for our class on April 2, 2025. Professor Kiki Smith will give us an inside look at “Real Clothes, Real Lives: 200 Years of What Women Wore”, currently on view at the New York Historical Society. This groundbreaking exhibition, drawn from the Smith College Historic Clothing Collection, examines the everyday clothing of ordinary women, from hard-worn house dresses to psychedelic micro minis and modern suits to fast-food workers’ uniforms.

When: Apr 2, 2025 05:00 PM Eastern Time

You must register in advance for this Zoom presentation: Register here

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the Zoom presentation.

This page was created by and for the Class of ‘74 of Smith College. Information on this page is intended for individual communication of a personal nature among Smith alumnae. Use of this information for any other purpose is strictly prohibited. Accuracy of the information on this page cannot be guaranteed. Smith College and the Alumnae Association of Smith College are not responsible for the content of this page. Responsibility for the page and its content belongs solely to Class of ‘74 of Smith College. This page is maintained by Birchwood Web Design, (Beth Taylor Sobiloff ’72).