We give to Smith because its mission is as critical today as it was 50 years ago. Our world needs talented women whose vision and leadership will challenge and tackle today’s pressing issues! Your contributions to Smith dismantle financial barriers and ensure qualified, promising students from every walk of life can experience Smith. As alums, we must support Smith’s commitment to eliminating college debt for all admitted students.
’74 Fundraising for 50th Reunion
Dear classmates of the Smith Class of ’74,
How can we describe our 50th Reunion at Smith?
If you were there, you know, it was a magical time of visiting, remembering, and reconnecting! Our leadership team put together a forever-memory that all of us cherish. We are incredibly grateful to chairs Chris Albright, Wing Hamilton, and Cynthia Martin, aided by their wonderful team of Nancy Bradbury, Barbara Klaas, and Sally Collins Honenberger. And heartfelt gratitude to our intrepid president Linda Charles.
If you were not able to join us, please know that you were missed. As we all remembered our Smith years we of course thought so fondly of classmates we were not able to see, and wish you the very best.
We’re incredibly proud of the way our class has paid it forward for the college! Our class surpassed its fund-raising goal of $7.4 million: over the last five years we have given $7,617,704! Donations to our class endowed scholarship have grown it to $1,000,874. These are extraordinary figures, which will directly support the education of women in the world-class environment that Smith offers so well.
If you are part of the 53% of our class who have contributed, THANK YOU. Is it possible that you’ve forgotten to pay it forward? If so, there’s still time to give to boost our participation rate (our goal is 60%)! No amount is too small, and donations given by June 30, 2024 will count toward our class Milestone Reunion total. To donate, please visit smith.edu/1974/give.
Your contribution will ensure that the gift of Smith will be available for the women of the future.
Thank you, and we hope to see you at our 55th—in 2029!
Inez D’Arcangelo, Sandy Henderson, and Mary-Margaret Chren Landefeld
Class of 1974 Fund Team
’74 Fundraising Totals as of May 28, 2024
FY24 Smith Fund: $407,750
FY24 Comp: $5,925,343 273 donors out of 512 total
Class Endowed Scholarship: $1,000,874
Five-year Comp total (includes RBIs): $7,617,704

Smart Giving Strategies —We Achieved Our Class Fundraising Goals…But we can contribute more before the end of the fiscal year, June 30, 2024!
Class Officers Challenge: We exceeded the participation goal!!! Class Officers Challenge was contributed to the class total!
Give Smartly and Make Stretch Gifts: Cash now or Pledge now, and pay later within the next five years
Learn more about giving strategies by clicking on the link below:
Fundraising Update and Smart Giving Strategies for the Class of 1974
How to Give to Smith
All donations made by class members each year automatically count toward the participation rate and class gift amount, no matter how small or large. There is no separate “class gift” fund that you need to designate. We have identified the following as our class fundraising priorities:
The Smith Fund
The Smith Fund sustains the academic innovation, global education, scholarships, and resources that make our alma mater exceptional.
Class of 1974 Endowed Scholarship Fund
Thanks to the generosity of an anonymous donor from our class, we are excited to announce The Class of 1974 Endowed Scholarship Fund as part of the class’s 50th reunion gift. To direct your contribution to our class-endowed scholarship fund, specify “Class of 1974 Endowed Scholarship Fund” when you make your gift.
Emergency Fund for Students of Color
Members of the Class of 1974 started the Emergency Fund for Students of Color at the 25th reunion in 1999. To direct your donation to this fund, specify “Emergency Fund for Students of Color” when you make your donation.
See more details about How to give to Smith.
How to Join the Team
We are grateful to our classmates for their generosity and support in helping us as we strive to achieve our fundraising goals.
Thank you for supporting Smith. Let’s make our Class Reunion Gift the best ever in 2024! Please contribute by June 30, 2024.
Class of ’74 Fund Agents:
Inez D’Arcangelo
Mary-Margaret Chren Landefeld