In 2022 and 2023 we hosted 9 mini reunions throughout the country.  Classmates reconnected and met new people.  Discussions were lively and constant. Come to our 50th reunion for a lively and inspiring weekend. It will be guaranteed fun!

On April 30th, 2022, we hosted a mini-reunion in the DC Metro area at the home of Marsha Shaines. Class President Linda Smith Charles and 12 classmates attended. Connecting with each other was fun and stimulating, as all gatherings of Smith women are! For more pics check out our class Instagram @smith_class_of_1974



Our September mini-reunion was held at the Art Institute of Chicago on September 18th, 2022.  Class of 1974 classmates met with other Chicago area alums for a fun and informative gathering.





On October 27th, 2022, Mary Kilbourn hosted a lovely mini-reunion at her home in New York City. Smith Trustees Beverly Morgan-Welch ’74 and Debbie DeCotis ’74 gave remarks and a lively discussion ensued! 20 classmates attended.





On October 30th, 2022 Inez D’Arcangelo, our ’74 Treasurer and Co-Fund Agent, hosted a fabulous wine tasting with Thanksgiving-themed hors d’oeuvres and an ice cream sundae bar at her home in Greenwich, CT. Kathy Piro gave an update on the class book project. 12 classmates attended.




On March 11th,2023 classmates gathered at a brunch hosted by Sharon Voros at her home in Denver.





On April 15th, 2023 classmates gathered at the home of Ruth Eliel in Los Angeles.






On May 24th, 2023 classmates met in Boston at the office of Lisa Howie, Chief Investment Officer for Smith. Lisa shared insights on the impact and priorities of the College’s endowment.





On May 25th, 2023 classmates participated in a Northampton area mini-reunion hosted by Molly Goodwin and Tina Ryman at the home of Tina Ryman.